Stone Veneer

Sealer Function on Stone Veneer

May 07, 2023

A stone sealer is a clear liquid that is applied to stone veneer to protect it from the elements. It can help to prevent staining, fading, and cracking. Sealers are available in both water-based and oil-based forms.

Here are some of the benefits of using a stone sealer:

Protects from staining: Stone sealers can help to prevent staining from water, dirt, and other substances.

Protects from fading: Stone sealers can help to protect the stone from fading due to sunlight and other environmental factors.

Prevents cracking: Stone sealers can help to prevent cracking by sealing the pores in the stone.

Makes the stone easier to clean: Stone sealers can make the stone easier to clean by repelling dirt and grime.

Extends the life of the stone: Stone sealers can help to extend the life of the stone by protecting it from the elements.

Yes, a sealer can help to improve the look of stone veneer. It can make the stone look more vibrant and polished. It can also help to fill in any small cracks or imperfections in the stone.

There are a few different types of sealers available, so it is important to choose one that is right for your project. Some sealers are designed to give the stone a matte finish, while others are designed to give the stone a glossy finish.

If you are planning to install stone veneer, it is important to seal it after installation. This will help to protect the stone and keep it looking its best for years to come.