Stone Veneer

Calculating Stone Square Foot

Sep 24, 2023

Calculating the square footage of stone needed for a home project is essential to ensure you purchase the right amount of materials. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the square footage and an example to illustrate the process:

Step 1: Determine the Area to be Covered Measure the length and width of the area where you plan to install the stone. For example, let's say you want to cover a patio with dimensions of 10 feet by 15 feet.

Step 2: Multiply Length by Width Multiply the length by the width to calculate the total area in square feet. Using our example, the calculation would be: 10 feet x 15 feet = 150 square feet.

Step 3: Account for Wastage and Cuts It's important to consider wastage and any necessary cuts when calculating stone requirements. These factors can vary depending on the complexity of your project and the specific stone being used. A common recommendation is to add around 5-10% to account for wastage and cuts. In our example, let's add 10% for potential wastage and cuts.

Step 4: Calculate Total Square Footage Needed To calculate the total square footage needed, multiply the total area by 1 plus the wastage factor. In our example, we'll multiply 150 square feet by 1.10 (10% + 100%) to account for wastage and cuts.

Total Square Footage Needed = 150 square feet x 1.10 = 165 square feet
Therefore, you would need approximately 165 square feet of stone for your patio project.

It's always a good idea to consult with your stone supplier or contractor for specific recommendations based on your project's requirements and any additional factors that may influence the quantity needed.

Remember, this calculation method applies to rectangular or square-shaped areas.
For irregularly shaped areas or projects with intricate designs, it may be best to consult with a professional who can provide more accurate measurements and guidance.

IMPORTANT: In the case where you you have corners and are not using stone corners you will loose footage when you have the stone come out to connect with the next to turn. In this case of 15 Ft High, multiply by 3 inches. You loose approximately 3.75 square feet that you will need to compensate when ordering your stone for every corner. Go by the waste factor or calculate each corner individually. If the supplier offers corners is easy just order the linear footage.

By accurately calculating the square footage of stone needed for your home project, you can ensure that you purchase the right amount of materials, saving you time, money, and potential headaches during the installation process.